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Through out the course of my final major project I will be keeping daily notes, in the style of a diary. I will be doing this in order to record and keep track of all my planning, development, ideas and production. Along side enabling my self to write down every though process I have in relation to my project. Below I have evidenced all of these notes, in dated chronological order.

Daily Diary Notes 



Typography and logo layout experiments. Experimenting with the communication of  the impact of all supermarkets plastic wastage, and packaging usage. 

I was strongly influenced by supermarket typography and logos, along with Paula Scher. 

By experimenting with the composition and style of the word fonts I think the more simplistic approaches were most effective, by visually communicating my concept. I didn't like the impact of the more busy experiments (on the right). Due to the composition being too busy and not illustrating the right effect.


Change of Final Major Project Theme- From Repurposement of material to Psychological Impact of Social media 

                                                                                                        (In depth analysis of theme change on evaluation and reflection page.) 

                                       Idea Generation- Mind map 


                                                                                                 Block Type Experiments 


                                Planning and preparation page for Structure and Formation Experiments 


                                                                              Three Dimensional formation experiments 


Using light and Typography to explore how structure enhances the way something is observed by the audience. I think the structure really adds a new level of depth to the definition of the papers surface adding interest.  

                                                                                     Photoshoot Plan



                                                              Photoshoot Contact sheet and Revisit to primary research


I revisited previous primary research that I had conducted, because I didn't think I had explored it in as much depth as I could have. The research that I conducted was a questionaire based on peoples opinions of their usage of social media and if they feel negative or positive towards it. The group I did it with was aged between 18-21 therefore I felt it could have been made reliable if the answers were also from a younger generation introduced to social media and technology at a much younger age. By doing this I feel it produced much more reliable results.


                                                                     Refined Images Selection From Photoshoot

I captured these images as a way of communicating the devices we all use to access social media, and as a way of illustrating the platforms that we excessively access on our phones.


                                                                              Image Development and Edits


Experimenting with overlaying and editing image translucency to explore the effects of double exposure. 

                                                                                 Why Sleep Matters by Matthew Walker 


Notes made on a 'Talks at google chat with Matthew Walker' about why sleep matters, in relation to the use of technology before we go to sleep at night. I carried out this research as a way of understanding the psychological and scientific reasons technology effects us and what people can do to change the impact technology has on us. 


                                                                Exploring the effects of multiplication 


using photoshop I edited and multiplied the original image to enhance visual impact and see if the use of a blue tone communicates blue light being emitted from a computer screen or phone screen. 

Insert GIF 


                                                                                                          Producing QR codes 


The website I used to produce these QR codes is 

I wanted to experiment with different ways of displaying my work in a more implicit way. For example using a QR code to hold my work but it looks minimal in comparison to my images being explicitly displayed like my work above. 


                                                                                       Low-Key Photoshoot- Using projection and a Model 


I conducted this photo initially as a way of producing some images with the work I had produced, projected. I wanted to do this as a way of developing it further and exploring the scale of which my work can be projected. I experimented with the depth of which the projection was visibly seen, with a High key and lowkey backdrop, but after capturing a few images the lowkey backdrop was more effective and picked up the most detail, as you can see from my photoshoot contact sheet. 


                                                                      Further projection explorations- Exploring Ideas for Final Outcome 

I decided to experiment with projection further after my photoshoot, as I thought it was very effective and I liked the idea as one of my final outcomes being a large scale projection. Therefore I used my studio space to project my work onto a blank wall. After doing so I didn't like the final effect, as my idea wasn't illustrated as powerfully as i had imagined it to be. Therefore i decided to move on with a different final outcome idea, of using a QR code generator. 


                            Further explorations combining my Traditional Typography Print and Photoshoot


I combined both the working practices that I carried out. I wanted to experiment with the combination of a traditional method and a modern way of working (typography printing with ink and a photoshoot using projection.) Additionally I also wanted to assess how the images would look overlaying the typhase. 

After doin so I thing the overall image is powerful and effective, because of the typography's positioning and composition framing the images, allowing the audience to be directed around the image from left to right, top to bottom. 


                                                                                       Final Presentation and Layout Explorations


This page shows the decision making process that I carried out, based on how my final major project outcome could be presented and the different ways I considered doing so. The decisions I considered consisted of: 

- What Scale do I want the QR code to be presented? 

The scale would hugely impact the way the observer interacts with my work: How close/ far they will stand to the QR code to scan it and how impactful the contrast of visual simplicity is. 

- Do I present one QR code or a series linking to different component of my final Major Project? 

If  present a series of code, will the codes like to different images or information, allowing the audience to decide where they want my work to take them? Or will all of the QR codes go to the same page, allowing me t direct the audience on a structured pathway. 

- Is the QR code more effective as a minimal QR or presented on a social media feed, linking my work to my concept? 

- Will my work be displayed with instructions for the audience? Such as: ' Scan me.' 

Overall from the consideration of my questions I think the most effective approach is presenting my work on a social media feed, as I think this will be communicated more successfully, despite the final outcome still being visually minimal which is what I want the work to appear as. I want my work to appear as minimal but once the QR code is scanned the audience will then be hit with my work and concept explicitly. 

I decided to display my work using a QR code because it means it is only accessible by the use of a phone, making my concept more powerful because everyone alwyas has their phone on them at all times. Making my question relevant 'Are you addicted?'


                Visually Favourite Presentation Plan 

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